(under ASA Laws and ASA
Technical Rules of Swimming)
Points 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 All
Event |
Lane 2 |
Lane 3 |
Lane 4 |
Lane 5 |
Lane 6 |
Lane 7 |
1 |
G 10 yrs
2L Freestyle |
2 |
B 10 yrs
2L Freestyle |
3 |
G 9 yr 1L Breaststroke |
4 |
B 9 yr 1L Breaststroke |
5 |
G 11/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
6 |
B 11/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
7 |
G 12/u 2L Backstroke |
8 |
B 12/u 2L Backstroke |
9 |
G 10 yrs
2L Breaststroke |
10 |
B 10 yrs
2L Breaststroke |
11 |
G 9 yrs 4x1L Medley Relay |
12 |
B 9 yrs 4x1L Medley Relay |
13 |
G 11/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
14 |
B 11/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
15 |
G 12/u 2L Butterfly |
16 |
B 12/u 2L Butterfly |
17 |
G 10/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
18 |
B 10/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
19 |
G 11/u 2L Backstroke |
20 |
B 11/u 2L Backstroke |
21 |
G 9 yrs 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
22 |
B 9 yrs 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
23 |
G 12/u 2L Breaststroke |
24 |
B 12/u 2L Breaststroke |
25 |
G 10/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
26 |
B 10/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
27 |
G 11/u 2L Butterfly |
28 |
B 11/u 2L Butterfly |
29 |
G 9yrs 1L Butterfly |
30 |
B 9 yrs 1L Butterfly |
31 |
G 12/u 2L Freestyle |
32 |
B 12/u 2L Freestyle |
33 |
G 8x1L Freestyle Relay (2 girls each age group) |
34 |
B 10 yrs
2L Backstroke |
35 |
G 10 yrs
2L Backstroke |
36 |
B 9 yr 1L Freestyle |
37 |
G 9 yr 1L Freestyle |
38 |
B 12/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
39 |
G 12/u 4x1L Freestyle Relay |
40 |
B 11/u 2L Breaststroke |
41 |
G 11/u 2L Breaststroke |
42 |
B 8x1L Freestyle Relay (2 boys each age group) |
43 |
G 10 yrs 1L Butterfly |
44 |
B 10/yrs 1L Butterfly |
45 |
G 9 yr 1L Backstroke |
46 |
B 9 yr 1L Backstroke |
47 |
G 11/u 2L Freestyle |
48 |
B 11/u 2L Freestyle |
49 |
G 12/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
50 |
B 12/u 4x1L Medley Relay |
51 |
8x1L Freestyle Relay (1G + 1B each age group) |
wish you a pleasant journey home and thank all parents and officials
their help in today's events